
Social media icons
HTML5 video
Deviant art

Do you have account on Deviant Art and want to share your work with every person that comes on your web page? We got solution for that. Simply enter your username when calling this widget.


Instagram is getting more popular every day, so we decided to include this social widget too. Usage is simple. Just enter your username when calling the widget. You can also define how many items you want to show.


You have a google account and love to use Picasa? We like it too, so why not make a social widget of it. If you want to display some other people's images just write their username instead of yours when calling the widget.


Pinterest, one of most popular "social networks" today. You can display pins from your account or someone you follow.


Flickr is by many people the best online photo management service in the world. Almost every Web page today has a flickr photo stream, so we found that very important and included in this template.


Yes, this is a dribbble widget. It is perfect for use in web design or photography blog's. Usage is the same as in the rest of social widgets. Just enter your username when calling the widget and share your work.


You have video file showing your product, or maybe very interesting tutorials? You can include this widget on your page and get the latest videos from your account on youtube.


This is special kind of widget that is showing the latest news from any site that has an RSS feed in shape of an image.